Dec 21, 2005 23:25
So the MTA subway and buses are on strike in nyc. And I am living a part of history b/c they haven't striked in like 25 years.
NYC is crazy though. And Manhattan is a madhouse and a sea of people, everyone walking, riding bikes, skateboarding, rollerblading. It's crazy, but kinda cool to see.
And everyone is being so nice. I can really see how strong new yorkers are--especially after 9/11. You can really see the commrodery of people in a crisis.
But anyway, I didn't go to work Tuesday b/c I didn't have a way to get there, AND I had just got in from a 7:30 flight from Atlanta. So, I didn't try so hard to get there.
But then today, I tried, and there seriously was no good way for me to go. I usually cross the Pulaski Bridge and catch the 7 one stop straight into Grand Central. It takes 20 minutes in total.
So, Kim's "boyfriend" from Long Island was gonna take me the whole way but due to traffic on the bridges, just dropped me off at the Woodside Long Island Railroad station. The LIRR, the PATH, and the MEtro North trains are all not a part of the mta, but they aren't created for high-volume traffic, and it usually costs $8.00 each way. Due to the strike however, they are only charging $4.00 each way. So, I had to wait in line to buy tickets at Woodside, then finally got on the LIRR, and rode it into Penn Station. I then hiked it up from 34th street all the way to 42nd and Lexington. It was a good long walk in the cold, but it's an excellent walk. I walked past a million classic new york landmarks so it was pretty interesting.
I'll be doing it again tomorrow though.
I'm going again with Kim's bf at 8am i think. And I'm just gonna work 8am-8pm because if I get off at 6 like I am supposed to, I still wouldn't have a ride or a way to get home. So, I'm just gonna work until 8pm, take the LIRR again, and hope Manny can pick me up at the LIRR station again.
But then Friday, I might not go. I can't ask him to do that for me every day. He has to work too. Kim's insurance ran out on her car so she can't take me or she would. So, it sucks all around, but I know Manny doesn't wanna take me every single day--it's totally not on his way, and coming to get me at the end of the day is a hassle for him. So, I don't think I will make it Friday, although, I think Friday is gonna be a cool day. We are supposed to have Secret Santa swap then, but oh well. I just can't commute for 4 hours to work and back every day. And there are no other options. If he can't drop me off somewhere along the LIRR, I don't have a way to get there. It's waaayyy too far to walk. And because of where we are, there are no close bridges. The Pulaski Bridge just takes me into the bottom of Queens.
So anyway, it's all chaotic in nyc.
But it's all a part of history and the nature of the city, and really, I kinda side with the transit workers. I think they do get paid poorly, and it's mostly about keeping their pension, for now, and future workers. And they do have to hold their ground. The MTA has been really mean about it all. The head guy didn't even show up but ONE hour before the 12am deadline to even start discussing negotiations! How disrespectful. How can he have time to discuss over 150,000 workers in less than an hour?!? Anyway, either way it's not good, but you gotta always fight for your rights when things are wrong, and I definitely think there is a lack of that in this country these days. People are too scared to fight back, or no one will band together when things are so obviously wrong. People "don't wanna get involved". But seriously, "are we our brothers keeper?" I think we are to an extent. So, anyway, I'm kinda behind what they are doing, no matter how inconveniencing it may be. Damn the Man! lol
But the transit workers definitely do have the power. Manhattan is definitely at it's knees. And christmas shopping is taking a HUGE hit this week. I can't imagine the MTA is gonna not give in until Christmas Eve. That would seriously irreparably hinder all the stores and business that wraps up right before Christmas. I can't believe they didn't try to negotiate something today. But oh well, I just have to keep finding ways to get around. That or either not make any money. But cabs are totally price-gouging. I've heard things from $22-60 dollars just to get to Manhattan. And with a tip, that is not something I can afford to pay to and back from work. Especially since we won't get reimbursed. I'd probably only come out even by going to work and paying cab fees.
So, anyway, it's gonna be a wild and crazy week. You can totally feel the energy of the city at a time like this though. EVERYONE is out walking around the city all over everywhere, and it's cool to see all of the city out and about.
anyway, i gotta get to bed. I may or may not go to work tomorrow. It just depends. I have to go Friday though. We have secret santa. So I hope the strike ends maybe tomorrow. That would be nice.
anyway, hope everyone is having happy holidays!!