Jun 20, 2008 22:50
1) well well .. here i am again, still stressed out, still tired as hell, but at least i've finished most of the work on our movie project. Bogdan (a good friend of mine) and myself did all the sound/audio editing and it was a SHITLOUD of work.. i wouldn't have imagined that in thousand years.. we spend the whole day yesterday and today working on it.. and yeah, i really like the result, so, hopefully, our audio prof will like it as well (i will definitely post the final movie on here.. so you'll be able to take a look at it :)
2) did you read my latest entries? did you get the impression that my life is really .. just work right now? WELL, i kind of did as well. God, I don't even have time to meet with my friends and stuff because there is SO much to do and i am afraid that i won't get it done, so i am really spending all my time learning, just taking some breaks where i watch some shows in the middle of the night (hey, who needs sleep anyway?!)
but - back to my point - i haven't seen my best friend since the soccergame austria/poland. She (yeah its a she) doesn't even call lately.. it's kind of bugging me, yet I know that she has a lot of stuff going on as well right now, and - it's not like we haven't spoken for weeks or something.. i am just stressed out and .. well, maybe i am just bitching because i want to bitch.. (edit: okay.. she just called.. yeah.. at 1:30 in the morning.. and.. it was an accident.. but she said she actually tried to call me today.. whatever.. so, forget it.. rofl)
3) is it strange that i have broken up with my girlfriend months ago (sometime in november i thing) and i have no desire to find a girlfriend again anytime soon? i was so sick of her in the end.. i think i really need more time to heal from this one .. and she was my first really serious girlfriend, so yeah - i think it's kind of strange. but i don't have any time anyway.. so, in my opinion, you don't have to force it.. i mean, i loved her in the beginning and i don't think that it won't happen again - i just don't want to get into a relationship anytime soon again (but in the end, you never know whats gonna happen)
yeah.. i think that's the most personal lj-entry i have written so far - but i really needed to get some stuff of my chest right now