Title: with teeth sharper and blood hotter (i’ll return someday)
gigglemonster and found
HERE!Word Count: 12,300
Rating: r
Characters/Pairings: caroline/stefan/tyler (others/mentioned: ensemble, bonnie, matt, elena/stefan, tyler/matt, caroline/matt, tyler/vicki, damon/stefan, damon/elena)
Warnings: violence/blood, sexual content, death (supporting character)
Summary: Stefan escapes from Klaus and returns to Mystic Falls. He is followed by the hybrid, and the town pays for his mistake. Mystic Falls is abandoned. Stefan embarks with Caroline and Tyler. On the road and off, we follow the threesome for the next decade.
Beta Readers:
kmousie (grammar/usage/errors/+) &
ozmissage (continuity/story/canon/+)'
Written For:
tvd_bigbangLink to art:
VIDEO + ARTLink to fic:
will today be the day?