'Adopted another dog, Molly (she came with the name). At first, Molly was a twisted bundle of neurotic energy, with only a vague understanding of what it means to be a dog. She would never completely settle and relax, always waling around ready to go into the state of panic on any pretext. For example, on our first visit to the beach ahe ran away in panic as soon as I called her using her name. Sappho had to go to bring her back. I think now I should not have let her off leash so soon. Then again, it was not really a big mistake. I knew that Molly trusts Sappho and accepts her as a leader; in fact, they are best friends. So, I knew that Sappho would bring her back if push cames to shove.
By now, after several very long walks with lots of heeling and some petting sessions, it looks like I have earned Molly's trust. She seems to understand better her position in a formation (when we walk together) and her role in the pack. And, no surprize, she has relaxed significantly. Next step will be to explain to her tha tthere is no need to be too exhuberant and to jump on me, when I return home (yes, I prefer when my animals stay on their four and I like them to think that going and returning is not really a big deal).
Molly has a much different personality than Sappho. Sappho seems to act like some kind of princess, or high pristess, completely secure and balanced in her ways.
By contrast, Molly acts more like (one might think) a commoner would act, as if she were a maid completely comfortable staying in the background, minding her own business, yet always ready to step in to start a fire and make a dinner for the entire family. I think her name fits her well.
They have an extremely compatible energy. So, they play all the time.
Then they come home and sleep and stretch whole day:
I'm very happy with my pack.