Jun 30, 2006 11:09
Today's my last day at Alltel! What really ticks me off is the fact that I finally got a response from the Tampa call center, asking if I was still interested in the training position. Why couldn't they have called a month ago?! That's an hour from my mom, plus I would be doing exactly what I want to do! Oh well...
I went to the dermatologist this morning and was given a cortisone shot. Apparently I have super-sensitive skin, so I have to start using the most mild moisturizer/cleanser around. I've been using Cetaphil for 10 years, but now I have to start using another cream at night as well. Also, I get to start taking Allegra every day. I feel over-medicated. Right now, I'm on an antibiotic, decongestant, anti-histamine, and cortisone shot. Can you say MEDICINE HEAD?! Last night at work the desk started spinning from all the meds. I've had issues eating b/c of the dental work Wednesday, so on top of being dizzy from medicine, I'm also dizzy from hunger. I nearly passed out at Target this morning while waiting for my prescriptions to be ready. I can't wait until I can start eating normally.
Megan starts gymnastics tomorrow. I bought her a cute, lavender leotard at Target. She will look so adorable! I have to be on the floor with her b/c she's going to be tumbling around (she's only 20-months old, so it's not like she'll be on the balance beam or uneven bars). She's going to have a fan club tomorrow b/c both Lance and Virginia will be there to watch. I'll post pics on here when they're uploaded.
Lance flies in today for the long weekend. I'm so glad b/c we'll have Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday to spend the day together. I have to work Monday and Wednesday at my new job, but I'll be on normal business hours, so I'll be home at a decent hour.
Ugh, I feel sick. I ate breakfast a little while ago, but now I feel drained. I missed work Tuesday b/c I had to go to the doctor. Apparently I have a bacterial infection (hence the antibiotics and decongestant). I don't want to call in on my last day, especially since we're having a pot-luck. I'm bringing the potato salad b/c I'm lazy and don't want to cook anything.
I guess I'll be going now. I have some cleaning to do before I leave for work. Virginia will pick up Megan today from day care, so I need to clean Megan's sippy cup for her to use. Megan's getting so big! I need to start thinking about her birthday party in October. My neice's first birthday party is this month at the duck pond. I think we're going to do Megan's at the park, depending on how the weather looks. It should still be nice b/c it stays warm for so long here. I refuse to pay to have it at Chuckie Cheese (however it's spelled) or anything like that; however, when she gets older I want her to have one at Build-a-Bear.
Anyway, better run. Time to stop being lazy.