The Good
The game. It is pretty awesome.
The Bad
Well, that's me. But I'm better than I expected to be; the plan seems to be workin' alright.
I've got a pretty cool opening and am working on always building workers, spending resources and general awareness -- just getting fundamentals in place. Not worrying about strategy. Once I get to the point where I can execute strategies, the plan is to loose a shitload on the ladder.
The Ugly (Jono might be the only one interested, but he's not online and I must vent!)
Apparently the news that they'd activate LAN for tournaments was just a rumor? I've been watching Day9 do the live commentary for the IEM tournament in Germany this last week, and I've seen two games end in dropped connection.
That's right, at an international tournament's games are ending in disconnection.
I watched a game where they paused for 10-15 minutes to wait out the (literally) unplayable lag. That's just stupid.
I suspect that Blizzard's official GomTV tourneys are going to be LAN, though. It seems to me LAN lockdown is to secure their rights against groups like KeSPA (the Korean eSports Player's Association), who -- if what I've heard is true -- have been a major thorn in their side. "People who make soccer balls don't get a cut of the World Cup," and that sort of stuff.
But I'm remembering skimming a comment on the GomTV rules that said a player would be disqualified if they received a notification or message from another player on Bnet during a game. Which -- one might think -- wouldn't be an issue if it was played on LAN. So... Arg. $200,000 prize pool, and they'll be loosing micro battles to lag. Ridiculous.
Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard that they were activating LAN. I was worried that the state of the industry simply wasn't going to allow them to do it, it's quite disappointing to think that might actually be the case after all.