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May 15, 2010 08:56

had a 1 and a half week trip to KL , RWGenting and Pulau Pinang .

today's rant and shout out =__= , INDONESIAN HOSPITAL SUCKS !!!

thanks to their stupidity of the doctors and nurses .Luxury hospitals in indonesia reputation from bad has become worse , not only that you all like to squeeze money out of every patients' pocket , you also seems to hire cheap labours from any random kampungs. no wonder many indonesian patients go to Elizabeth Hospital not only for Special operations , but also to fix all the shit up that was all messed up by them !

my neighbour's relative has a pre-stage kidney failure when she had a general check up in Pinang and then got hospitalized in Jakarta because she is about to faint in the airport due to under-nourish or something , because given the advice not to have so much types of food .

and what did the doctors/nurses do to her ? infuse blood into her VEIN ( yeah the blue ones ) ... not artery . OH BIG MISTAKE and they 'fix' it by infusing salt-water direct to the kidneys .

GG , from unconscious state before and now become CRITICAL ! the next thing all they can do is to have the patient for an instant charter to Singapore Elizabeth Hospital .
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