Life is progressing , or maybe...

Jan 17, 2010 17:23

is already the 1st week in jakarta , life has been blissful for awhile . i got no work at the moment as i still have no contacts from my clients , i think they got their kids to another tutor .

it may sounds not good for me .But actually , is NOT GOOD for the kids obviously . having 2 tuitions in a day and additional remedials after school ? i pity how much they have to go through every week . i also felt that tuitioning isn't my forte anymore ... . because i felt demoralize and exhausted when i get to teach kids who are born with a silver spoon and also in an ignorant state .i'm not gonna talk more about it ughh ... I already decided that i want to go back to Sg , i told my bro to apply an Epass for me , to make me be his 'employee' working for his 'company'

On the brighter side . earlier on , my bro finally got a decent job in singapore working as salesman in a lenovo shop at Funan . my parents are happy and satisfied because our family income in singapore is finally cleared out from crisis as 1 of my dumb tenant did pay the room rentals which is 5 months due .luckily ,it is settled . with my bro's job and this room rental income,the income become stable ,or above average . is also good for him that he can progresses in life than to just waste his time playing games and collecting rents , and some times wasting it .

another good news is that my ....eer brain-damaged uncle too got a job :P , a not so decent job as he has to pack bread buns to boxes and deliver it to the morning market from his boss's house . my grandma finally able to relax and not to worry about my uncle .

:( the thing is , he and i have to worry about her ! because she always over-spend when she goes to the market !! i was quite unhappy in the morning that she just throw a bag load of stale long beans . old habits just can't die ! why can't she understand that you are living with very few people ? stop buying in bulk and cooking in bulk !!

now is me , :( . i hope the Epass thing works and i can go back to sg . i hate this hell hole of family politics that i have been hiding away from . all awhile what i have been doing is exercising , and i've lost 500g :) .
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