
Jan 10, 2010 15:40

what happened on the day before steevan left .

9th jan 9 am :

at tiong bahru market to go shopping and storing cash to my bank acct . Atm is out of order and i went home . on the way back home , just realized that i KENNA BIRD SHIT on my left shoulder !!

9th jan 1:30 pm :

at bugis , saw a trisaw rider receive a $300 tip from a japanese tourist while i was heading to Bank . :O :O :O

9 jan 9 pm :

while i was queuing up to get a check on my passport , bunch of cuffed banglas waving good bye as they are being sent off by ICA officers .

9 jan 11 pm jakarta time :

landed and already out from the luggage check point . Guess what ? no body pick me up .so , i had to take a taxi and went o my grandma's place . WORSE , my uncle quickly called up my grandma and hi bro to pick me up ,and by the time i reach to the place they are gone ! thank goodness that i was able to borrow phone to call them back here .Luckily , they haven't reach the highway .
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