Apr 06, 2004 01:25
Hmm well finally got round to watching Jersey Girl. Unlike the previous 5, very little gives it away this as being a kevin smith film, one discussion about porn and a jason lee/matt demon cameo being the only two that come to mind.
Its as much of a change as there was between the other films, but i think you're less likely to enjoy it if you enjoyed the other films. Other than chasing amy they tended to be more or less comedy through and through, while there is comedy in this film its rather sparse compared to the others.
Now i liked the film, but then again i do have an inexplicable soft spot for romantic comedies and deep down that's what this film is. There were a fair few times i laughed out loud but as a general rule it was pretty serious, it was pretty predictable and had a fair few romantic comedy cliches in it too.
I guess what i'm trying to say is if your looking for a kevin smith film like the pervious 5 you'll be very disappointed, on the other hand if you don't actively dislike romantic comedies then this is a good one. It does have a bit of a message and some nice dialogue which elevates it beyond most of your standard romantic comedies but nothing earth-shattering.
Oh i forgot the best part j-ho is hardly in it at all!
Well i enjoyed it and will prolly go see it when it hits the cinemas in June.