Because I was bored

Jul 24, 2010 15:09

I tried my hands at some writing. I was bored, and after finishing P3P, I had a sudden burst of inspiration.

Don't get your hopes too high, alright? This is a slightly AU story, where Minato takes Pharos/Ryoji's place as the Harbinger of Death.

A dream of full moons

It was nearly midnight, and the full moon was a week away. If what she'd thought was right...

That man would be here tonight.

She couldn't help but sense a strange familiarity around him. That man in question was impossibly thin, and was almost as pale as the full moon itself. He had blue hair that seemed dubious in origin, and he looked slightly dead.

All the signs pointed to a spirit or an apparition of sorts. Maybe he was even a Shadow.

Still, Sumire Arisato was not afraid of him. She felt closest to him since he appeared on the night she arrived at the Iwatodai dorms.

Tick. Tick. Tiiiick.

In Sumire's mind, she could see a pink clock shattering, replaced by the dull green that pervaded the Dark Hour, the hidden time between one day and the next.

"You do understand that there's only a week left?"

That blue-haired man was in her room once again. Sumire Arisato could feel her heart beating wildly. Her predictions had been correct.

"Yeah! I've been training hard, and making new Personae! In actual fact, I've been waiting for you, to tell you that this persona I have is awesomely powerful. I can beat the next full moon Shadow. No problem!"

The blue-haired man chuckled softly, and nodded.

"Being confident is good."

"Yeah... I'm not going to let those Strega off. For Shinjiro-senpai's sake, I gotta be stronger...!"

The blue-haired man cocked his head quietly, almost as if he didn't understand something.

"So, that's your reason for fighting... Curious."

"What's so curious about it?

"No, it's nothing. Once upon a time, I had a reason to fight as well..."

"Once upon a time?" Sumire Arisato asked, almost curiously. So, that meant that he was a ghost then?

"...It's of no importance to your situation. I wish you all the best, Sumire Arisato."

The blue haired man turned away from her. This was a familiar sight. It meant that he was going to disappear again.

"...And don't trust Ikutuski."


It, then, felt almost like dramatic irony that she had saved the world on the very same bridge that had shattered her life.

She had lost everything on the Moonlight Bridge.

Her parents, who were distant, but loving.

And her brother...

The smart, quiet brother that anyone would die to have. He had been the closest family she ever had, and she had always confided in him.

"Big bro would solve everything!" That was what she thought at that time.

Her brother could ace exams without even studying much for them. Her brother was never scared of anything since she could remember. Her brother had this otherworldly, ephemeral charm to him that attracted people to him inexplicably.

How did he look like...? She couldn't remember.

She couldn't remember his name as well. What was it again?

It almost seemed like he had vanished along with the car crash. He had disappeared completely. No corpse was found, unlike her parents, and there was nothing that showed that Sumire Arisato ever had a brother. As far as legal documents went, Sumire Arisato was an only child.

Or maybe her brother had never existed. Maybe it was her desire to have a brother that created him...

Those were dark times that she had went through, after all.

Still, Sumire Arisato would never lose hope. That she had an older brother that would make things right.

A true savior of the world.

It, then, felt almost like dramatic irony that she had saved the world on the very same bridge that had shattered her life.


"Well then. I guess this is goodbye."

The blue-haired man said, on the very next morning.

"...Will I ever see you again?" Sumire Arisato asked, somehow knowing that this day would come, sooner or later.

"Maybe. Sooner than you know..."

The blue-haired man smiled. Smiled for the very first time. It went like this. His face was as emotionless as ever, but slowly, his mouth began to move in the most peculiar manner. It was like the moon. A new moon evolving to a crescent moon. Yes, that was it.

And that smile unnerved Sumire Arisato. It shot past the various personae, the many masks that she had worn throughout her days (She had been a master at pretending ever since her parents passed away.) to stare at Sumire Arisato's naked soul.

...Only her brother could do that. Still, there was no way this blue-haired man could be him. They didn't even look alike.

How did her brother look like again?

"Please! Before you go..." Sumire then let out a cry. It sounded almost desperate.

The blue-haired man turned to look at her, as if he couldn't feel the desperation in her voice.

"Have we met?"

The blue-haired man smiled again.

"Maybe we have. Still, I'll always be by your side, protecting you."


"I'll always be by your side, protecting you."


Classroom 2F of Gekkoukan High School was noisy as always.

It was even noisier than usual, with all the rumors of a new transfer student rife among the student population. It spread like wildfire that the new transfer student was hot as hell, even though he was quiet and very introverted. Apparently, he was returning to Japan after following his parents overseas for work. Sumire Arisato was skeptical, of course. The rumors were hardly ever accurate.

The instant Ms Toriumi entered the classroom, with a teenage boy following closely behind her, Sumire Arisato could have fainted.

It was him. It was the boy!

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Minato Arisato."

fanficcery, persona, games

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