unofficial sp00ky halloween spn meme

Oct 25, 2015 16:33

ok why the heck not

just some questions for u horror-lovin (and not-so-horror-lovin) spn fans out there!! feel free to share with your flists, or not, idk, it's cloudy, chilly, cosy, and everything on tv is halloween-themed, and i'm Feelin It

1. What, in your opinion, is the scariest moment in SPN?
2. What's your favourite spooky SPN fic? (Alternatively, what fic unsettled you the most without necessarily being intentionally spooky?)
3. Plug the spookiest SPN fic you've ever written! (Alternatively, talk about why you'll never write horror fic--I'm curious!)
4. Who's the scariest SPN character ever?
5. If SPN were to go full-bore freaky again, s1-style, what would you like to see them do? (Alternatively, what do you NOT want them to do, because it would give you nightmares?)
6. What's your favourite scary story in general? Creepypasta, traditional folklore, anything! (Alternatively, what's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?)
7. Which SPN monster is your favourite?
8. If you were a hunter, which cases would you never touch with a ten-foot pole?
9. What's your phobia?
10. Besides the obvious, why do you think Sam feels so touchy about Halloween?
11. What's your costume this year, and what costumes do you think Sam and Dean have donned in the past?
12. Finally, how do you celebrate Halloween?

1. What, in your opinion, is the scariest moment in SPN? That scene in s4 where Lucifer speaks through the dead nun. Hands down. I don't know which writer's brain conjured up that little morsel of a nightmare, but it terrifies me to this day. But if we're talking jump-scares, watching someone see the car crash in the s1 finale for the first time is such a sadistic joy. I think my mom nearly peed herself lmfao
2. What's your favourite spooky SPN fic? (Alternatively, what fic unsettled you the most without necessarily being intentionally spooky?) If it was fair, I'd rec kalliel's entire horror canon, but I'll just go with my old fave, "Proxy" :)
3. Plug the spookiest SPN fic you've ever written! (Alternatively, talk about why you'll never write horror fic--I'm curious!) I like to think your children will come at you with knives did the job pretty well??
4. Who's the scariest SPN character ever? I still have a soft spot for good old Azazel, man. Those off-set eyes, that oily voice, oh man <3
5. If SPN were to go full-bore freaky again, s1-style, what would you like to see them do? (Alternatively, what do you NOT want them to do, because it would give you nightmares?) Full-blown hellbeast Adam, fresh from the Cage, preferably with some fucked-up body horror issues, following Sam and Dean from motel to motel, begging to be let in at night (so he can kill them, obviously), It Follows-style. Mmmm.
6. What's your favourite scary story in general? Creepypasta, traditional folklore, anything! (Alternatively, what's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?) Anansi's Goatman Story (first result here, since the actual link is fucked)! It's just. So effective. A lot of people criticise it for the less-than-stellar writing style, but considering it originated on 4chan, I think the casual storytelling makes it all the more freaky. Also, naturally, the original Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark books, complete with the Gammell illustrations. Fuck that redux noise.
7. Which SPN monster is your favourite? Wendigos!!! Oh my God. They're becoming popular in horror games and movies lately, too, which makes my heart swell.
8. If you were a hunter, which cases would you never touch with a ten-foot pole? See above. Would not fuck with a Goatman. We have one in my hometown, which I already do not fuck with.
9. What's your phobia? Having my back turned to dark empty spaces. Also, being alone in the wilderness.
10. Besides the obvious, why do you think Sam feels so touchy about Halloween? I wil admit that I did not think this question through for myself before I wrote it down.
11. What's your costume this year, and what costumes do you think Sam and Dean have donned in the past? My costume is the Corinthian, as I mentioned! And I definitely think baby!Sam was dressed up in a lion onesie at least once, probably while spending the holiday with Dean at Bobby's, and at the behest of a cute, persistent, fawning old lady in a Wal-Mart.
12. Finally, how do you celebrate Halloween? Haven't celebrated since high school, but this year I plan to make lots of hot chocolate, cosy up with the scariest SPN episodes, hand out candy, and then head out to my coworker's show--he and his band dub their own music over montages of bad B-horror movies!

meme post, supernatural, creeps

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