fun with eyeballs

Oct 11, 2015 18:33

i spent most of the afternoon practising building a prosthetic eye-patch for my halloween corinthian costume and given that i have never made a prosthetic anything in my life i think i did a damn fucking good job???

it took about 5 hours and quite a bit of trial and error and went a bit like:
  • watch "worst cooks in america" while cutting and filing 12 fake nails into teeth shapes with an antique nail file your coworker found in a book
  • cover a book in a plastic bag
  • mix foundation with liquid latex
  • use the ass-end of a brush to draw the outline of the eye socket on the plastic with latex
  • realise the ass-end of a brush is shitty at filling in outlines with latex and switch to a cosmetic sponge instead
  • wonder why the latex isn't drying
  • desperately try to smooth out weird clumpy latex bits with more latex
  • borrow your housemate's tiny fan to dry it faster
  • build up four layers of latex
  • wait for a long-ass time
  • use the weird unnecessary sharp end of the nail file to pull the latex off the plastic
  • panic when the latex rips in places
  • fix holes with more latex
  • wait
  • forever
  • fit latex eye socket to own, real socket and cut off dangly bits
  • cut a slit in the middle, conveniently using one of the rips that didn't actually get fixed in that previous step
  • glue fake teeth down with even more latex
  • worry that you're going to run out of latex
  • realise you glued them on upside-down
  • make it work anyway
  • use the sponge and more latex to make some eyelids on the plastic bag
  • wait
  • forever
  • peel off the eyelids successfully without ripping them and celebrate this way too much
  • glue eyelids over teeth
  • struggle with said eyelids
  • try to attach finished eye-patch to face with latex that gets way too close to your eyeball
  • realise that adhering it directly to your eyelids means you can't blink
  • glue toilet paper to eyelids with spirit gum, because ????
  • use more spirit gum to re-attach eye-patch
  • regret this because spirit gum gives off fumes
  • smooth out edges with even mORE latex
  • model the fuck out of it
  • try to rip it off your face without tearing it to pieces
  • end up with a little rip anyway
  • don't care
  • too happy
  • i did it
  • spooky as FUCK

things i learned: lash glue is probably better for my face than spirit gum and i should buy some; sponges work better than the ass-ends of brushes; mixing shitty foundation with latex actually works; i might be kind of good at this??

creeps, fx tag

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