This morning the Guardian publishes a puff review of Kathleen Stock's new book, which suggests that the stranglehold trans people have on public discourse has had a chilling effect. (Prof. Stock was given an OBE in this year's New Year's Honours.)
This afternoon Nick Robinson
suggests on Radio 4 to the new Scottish finance minister that trans rights have become a new religion, which people question at their peril.
Neither seems to have encountered much peril, however.
By contrast, Tennessee has
just introduced a law obliging any establishment that allows trans people to use the toilet to have the following wording on the entrance to each toilet door:
This facility maintains a policy of allowing the use of restrooms by either biological sex, regardless of the designation on the restroom.
While journalists and professors with national platforms whine about being "silenced," trans people are being legislated out of society altogether. This is not a new observation, I know, but I think it's worth reiterating as long as it remains true.