I had planned on going to Blanket's Creek this morning to ride, like the past few Sunday's have been. But today, God decided it was going to rain. But, after sitting at home screwin around on the interweb, visiting Thomas at ABC, and watchin some MTB videos on my computer, I just had to go ride. I parked at Castle Greyskull(Chib, Davie, and Tommy's apartment) and rode down to the industrial park, where I knew there was some stuff I could ride. After doin a little jump, i cruised around and found a curb, that was raised about 2 1/2ft off the the ground with ramps up and down each side. I then set out to rise said curb like a balance-beam. Well after a few failed attempts, and successful falls(if that's even possible) I made it halfway across, and i knew my next attempt was going to be it. I was wrong. My tire slipped off the opposite way it had been, sending me down and ended up giving me a pretty badass bit of road rash!
How do ya like dem apples?
I plan on returning to said-curb later this week to put it in it's place and ride across it. Hopefully with a cameraman for proof! David, if you're reading this, I'm volunteering you!!