Jan 11, 2007 00:22
yo i still have to study for gov and chem. this blows.
I need to stop zoning out...yesterday and today were spent sitting in my room thinking about random shit that's not hw. Oh man...only a couple more weeks until february.
so much going on in my head its ridiculous. plus i had really bad cramps 2day. sometimes i wish i was a boy. But then i wouldnt be able to become infatuated with them. Speaking of which i came across a gorgey pinoy boy on youtube who can sing/play piano and guitar really well. and is quite funny. too bad hes all the way in cali. His videos actually inspired me to spend more time on my piano/guitar. i just havn't had time for that stuff lately. But i FINALLY transcribed if i aint got you which ive been wanting to do since the start of high school. And now i wanna transcribe some nora jones and john legend. I need a nice repetoire so i can serenade my own boy when he comes along.
i just wasted 20 minutes os sleepy time. ill try and wake up early 2morrow i guess. i have to or else im screwed. At least the gov essays are pretty easy...and theres only 7 too.
ps: ill prob update sunday night after i send in all my supps. bahhh so much going on this weekend too.