Jun 13, 2008 23:20
I've wrapped up this year like a mummy. It has been preserved and carefull examined. Every single moment.
I'm headed to Maine on Sunday. A trip long awaited, long needed.
Luke and I said our official goodbyes today. The end of our three year roller coaster has fast approached. I think a very accurate description is a roller coaster. Exhilarating at first, then the first drop, anxious, scared, exciting, fun, fun fun, ready for it to end, scary, fun, great and then it's over. And you're like, did I really just pay money for that?
I'm interested to know what will happen next with us, I'm not sure we'll be able to hold up a 'normal' relationship after the summer comes and goes. I'm excited, but nervous for this summer. I'm ready to get away and travel but not ready for the exhaustion of managing children and my sanity.
Morgan and I still haven't found a place to live next year and I'm seriously contemplating whether or not that is even the best choice. Anyways, write me a letter this summer:
Christina Blanchard
Camp Micah
156 Moose Cove Lodge Rd.
Bridgton, ME 04009
okaaay thanks.