Am I going to post?

Jun 04, 2008 22:35

I am! Time for my semi-annual post.

Hmm... what should I write about?...

Well, foremost on my mind is the Naked Lady party coming up. For those of you who are not hip enough,  it's a clothing exchange with a much cooler name. Everybody brings clothes they don't need/want/like/fit into any more, and we organize a bit, and then it's like a moneyless auction! I think I might get to be the caller... "I've got a pair of red corduroy pants here, size 8, a little wear around the edges, but a good solid pair of pants!" and then someone says, "oooh, I want to try them on!" And then it's just one mad, free, scantily clad frenzy of clothes. I'm looking forward to getting rid of some stuff. Get rid of old, make room for new! (symbolic)

So we're moving. I'm psyched. Athens rocks. We've done our time here in Greenville, and made the most of it, I swear. Majorly good things are:
1. Penny's awesome Montessori preschool at the UU church. Cool teachers, cool program, cool kids and parents!
2. ... the UU church, and discovering that we're UU's.... Are you? You can go to, or something like that, to take a quiz to find out just WHAT you believe.
3. our friends. We don't hang out a LOT, mainly because all of our friends here are also parents, but some of these people are freaking awesome. I especially want to mention Amy and Kathryn, both of whom I've learned a lot from and enjoyed immensely. And George and Tanya, even though they never call us back and we never see them.
4. our house/property: Knowing that we're going to be leaving soon, whenever I walk around outside our house, I'm just trying to appreciate every little country detail. I loooooove this place. I need exactly 50 acres between me and the rest of humanity, and everything's just fine... I could probably even deal with 20.

BUT! I am SO looking forward to Athens. Do you know how much  I love Athens? Do you know how much home-coming I feel to move to Athens?

Also, fun education opportunities this opens up are:
1. Botanologos! There's this totally awesome herb school located in the NE Georgia mountains (on the Firefox premises, for those who care) and I get to go! When we FIRST moved down, I was all signed up, but then I got preggie and had to resign, since it involves several weekend courses involving much mountain hiking.
2. I'm seriously considering this traditional chinese medicine school in Atlanta after that. Very excited.

In child news, both our kids are awesome. Lucy is a very energetic baby, which is so different than Penny. She was all careful and contemplative. Lucy is a rocker though. I mean, literally, she's got so much energy she has to rock all the time to express it. She's a serious crawler, and will soon be walking. But not walking-- running! I'm going to have to do something major to my energy-stores to keep up with her.

Penny is hanging in there, totally fine with moving to Athens, since they have this little natural wildlife zoo, as well as  ice cream at a drugstore for $1. Plus she gets to go to another cool Montessori preschool at a FARM.

Penny is funny, challenging, a button-pusher, cooperative, competitive, annoying, sweet, amusing, very smart, and she loves her friends and family. . I look forward to maintaining a relationship with her throughout my life. Sure is interesting to have kids.

Now I'm done with my post. I'll go back to my life now.

Wait a minute... This IS my life.

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