Dec 30, 2004 10:36
blah so yea i'm awake and its fucking early as hell.... the cat thought it would be fun to try and claw me at 9am the funniest part about that is me and jeremy clipped his claws yesterday.... so he didn't really claw me just annoy me until i got up... and now he's running around the room like a madman. i don't know where he hides his kitty crack but i'm gonna find it and sell it to the highest bidder.... so yea other than that nothing is really new i got jeremy operation flashpoint resistance i'm just waiting for it to come in the mail.... he's been getting home from work early which is good we get to spend more time together.... we're supposed to be going to best buy today and trading in doom 3 for a game i can play during the day... so either singles or sims 2 haven't decided yet i guess which ever one will actually work on our comp. wanted to go out for coffee last night but couldn't get ahold of anyone.. i really need to go to micheal's today so i can get more paintpens to finish my leather its looking badass so far... jeremy gets paid today don't know how much but i know its gonna be nice we're kinda strapped for cash cuz of the holidays right now but this paycheck will help then we're gonna go grocery shopping and do typical domesticated stuff.... its weird on the road you spange all day to get alittle bit of food and alot a bit of alcohol and when you liveing somewhere you work for food for 2 weeks and a 12 pack every couple of days and you'd think we'd go out and buy good beer like guinness or amber bock every day but we still get beast... its kinda kewl somethings never change... me and jeremy still look at each other like we did on the road which is good i was afriad he would see me differently and i would see him differently but he's still the same old slop :) and i'm the same old straps just alittle cleaner and not quite as drunk.... i don't know this whole post is like a ramble.... i really have nothing better to do than ramble on and on and its early as hell so i really don't have anything to do... i hate mornings
laters kiddies