(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 07:58

Before I left DC, I worked briefly for a company called EchoDitto. It was one of the best groups of people I ever worked with. I left because the work they needed didn't match what I wanted to do, but it was a fine fine company.

They are looking for some web developers. Please have a look and pass this on to anyone who may be interested:

Company: EchoDitto
Job Title: Web Developer / PHP & Drupal
Description: EchoDitto is searching for outstanding web developers to join our team of technology enthusiasts and progressive thinkers. This position will be responsible for developing innovative Web-based tools for progressive online activism and community building. Our software architects work closely with their strategy architect counterparts to develop specifications and make recommendations on the use of new and emerging technologies. Programming, user interface design and database familiarity are all core elements of this position. Dealing with Microsoft technologies is not.

Apply online at http://www.echoditto.com/careers

All salaried positions at EchoDitto come with excellent benefits and time preallocated for catching up with Engadget, Twittering or compiling ncurses for your iPhone.
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