Jun 12, 2007 11:16
Boys can be SO stupid.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the boys and all and they can be very cool and intelligent and all, but really. If a girl REFUSES to talk to you for six months it doesn't take a genius to figure out she's pissed at you!! I just shouldn't be mad at boys. I should just hit them in the face with a large heavy thing and then we can be friends again. ><
in better news Doc Seward is FINALLY on back home with gifts for me. Mainly consisting of gin. And I have gifts for him mainly consisting of partaking in Italian white wine. We shall have a drunken happiness party.
Today I made tasty banana muffins and from scratch lemonade. Had to use bottled lemon juice though, not fresh lemons. Booo. I want to do something spectacular for dinner, I shall have to go hunting. I'm craving khir....
Did not get to go to SAYMA this year. I am so sad, I was so looking forward to it. But I shall be fleeing to the beach soon, then all shall be right with the world.
Also my idiot brother got hit by a car. He rolled onto the hood and smashed the windsheild completely. He is perfectly fine of course, he skinned his shoulder. He was fined for failing to yield to a freaking minivan. On a bicycle. I mean come on, couldn't he pick on a vehicle more his size??!
But he brought me back a bottle of italian wine, a cute little wine cup, and a scorpion wine stop from his travels abroad. Oh, he knows his alcoholic sister all too well...
And things are getting slowly better and happy. The room is getting close to clean, I have slightly more monies, I have good words on paper, I am less sad, and today I discovered godly Iced Freesia Tea. Mmmmmmmmm...
Krush Girls is Saturday. KICK ASS. Oh my yes.
Life is happy.