Apr 13, 2006 01:05
I'm starting this post off by warning that this is nothing but a pure logical rant and in the end means squat to what it is referring to, but I MUST talk about it or else my brain will fry more so than it has already just by thinking about all this. Also, this is mostly only for those who are in the Warhammer Fantasy campaign currently, sense only they will know what I am talking about.
I must rant and rave about how common logic is totally being over loaded by the stupidity of how the game played out last night(Wednesday night). There are some things that I personally was going "WTF?" at and others that though I was dissapointed, I could see happening in a real battle. A spawn of Chaos could possibly be killed in one shot by a bolt thrower if it hit just right. I can see Conan wannabies be obliterated by magic pulling them into the void and having several be peirced by several bolts. I was rather surprised how a mounted Marauder Cheiftan even survived a whole round longer than I personally expected. He still died, which I expected, but still, later than originaly thought.
What I DON'T understand is how an ELITE unit of Chaos Knights(Chosen)flee after losing only ONE model and NEVER rally the following two turns(I personally rolling a 9 both times when I needed 8 or less)while another unit of Chaos Knights(not Chosen)lose THREE guys, flee, but rally the following turn only to get right back into the fray. Also, how is it a Unit Strength 4 model can completly destroy a total Unit Strength of 10? Yes, he was a charactor on a monsterous mount, but that still doesn't make any sense to me. I could see him killing up to his unit strength, or even a number of people equal to number of attacks, mount included just cause they are pimpy like that, but by himself taking out a unit 2.5 times more than him? Logic does not compute! My General was in said US 10 unit and he was killed in a single die roll when he had 2 wounds and a 4+ save and the other 9 models had 1 wounds and 3+ save, 2+ in close combat. Yeah, not that great compaird to others in my army, but still. Logic says at least HE would stop running and face his enemy and fight to the death seeing as how he realizes he can't run. That is how Chaos are trained no? Going back to the Knights, the Chosen Knight should NOT have continued to run after the initial retreat. Yes, the just lost someone by a flank attack, but seeing fellow warriors and their General suddenly being engaged with that same unit that made the Knights flee, one would think they would stop, turn around and jump back into the fight to help and even turn the battle back to their favor. But of course, ALL of this thought process is null and void ONLY because LOGIC means nothing in a game where everything, EVERYTHING is determined by the roll of dice. A single lowly foot solder(US 1), if such rolls happen, could take out a huge unit of guys(US 10)by himself while a unit at US 8 flees and continues to flee just because the player can't make a Leadership test, but rolls like a god on all the rolls concerning the lone solder.
Again, I'm thinking LOGICALLY here and totally taking things out of context, but still, personally thoughts and how games play out are two COMPLETELY different things.
--End Of Rant--