Feb 10, 2005 10:32
I really don't know where to begin. There has been so many events in my life I could write a book in fact my Supporting Cast (MSC) says I should write that book. They also encouraged me to do this. Thank you SC!
I guess I will begin where MSC suggested.
April 5, 2000
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 6/99 thru 5/2000 My husband, 3 kids and myself were living in a two story 3 bedroom home with my parents, brother and Uncle(his home)My husband worked 2nd shift, my father and uncle worked 1st shift, my brother and kids were in school while I worked 1st shift at a local grocery store. Being a workaholic I worked 40+ hours a week, cleaned house and cooked for 9 people. I am also a happy perky person so it is nothing for me to smile and joke even when I am sick or in pain....don't get me wrong I am human and can be quite a b*%#h but I usually avoid people when I feel that way so I won't take it out on them. My family of 5 moved out of my uncles home and next door to them in an over 20 year old double wide that we were fixing up from 10/99 thru our move out day in late May of 2000.
On April 5, 2000 I was 3 hours into my shift when extreme pain hit everywhere in my body (except maybe my nose, lol). I went into the office and requested to be able to leave and see my doctor (Dr.). After several minutes of argueing the store manager finally presented himself and let me go. I called my Drs office then drove straight from work to my appointment.
My Dr. was shocked by the sight of me (death bed look) and my ability to still smile even though I was in so much pain. After picking, poking and proding he sent me to the hospital for a battery of tests. Two days worth of blood tests, ultrasounds, xrays and more proding.
A few days later I was sent to an OBGYN (gynocologist) where it was decided my Uterus would need to be removed it was full of cysts. A few days after that I was sent to an Orthopaedic Surgeon (bone and joint specialist) where it was decided I would need both of my hips replaced due to a rare disease for my age; I was 33 years old at the time. I was asked to choose which hip I wanted to do first. Though my right hip was worse than the left I chose the left hip because I am dominantly right handed.
My thoughts at the time was mild shock because I always knew there was something wrong with my hips. This was semiconfirmed when I was 20 and pregnant for my first child. The doctors statement then was "This child will either make or break your hips." (giving birth). That Dr never followed up on my hips nor any other Drs. after him until I was 33 with the Dr. I have now.
My other thought was 'maybe this is why I taught myself how to use a wheelchair, crutches, walker and canes' These items were available to me as a child because my grandmother was disabled and in a wheel chair.
In June of 2000 I was admitted to a not so savory hospital to have a partial hysterectomy. No scars with this one it was all done vaginally...that was cool.
In October of 2000 I was admitted to a much better hospital to have my first hip replacement. There was a little problem with this one as the Dr had a hard time putting the smallest adult 30 year (experimental at that time) titanium hip in me. I have very small bones and they almost had to leave me on the operating table waiting for a childs size hip to be flown in. Luckily he did get the replacement to work. I was a very good girl and spent my 3 days doing absolutely everything they wanted me to do and more...workaholic sydrome (lol) shocking everyone I worked with by smiling and joking no matter what the pain or obstacles. Oh and scar...holy cow its a long one...14 inches long...from an inch shy of my waist to half way down my thigh on the side of course. I did have a pretty good recovery. Being a workaholic I was bummed about my limited abilities...sometimes it still bothers me a little.
In May of 2001 (Note: 3 surgeries in less than a year)I had my right hip replaced. The surgery went well but the healing process not so good. For 2 1/2 months I couldn't walk (long time to have a commode in your living room, lol). I couldnt sleep without a handful of perscription medications which gave me a few hours of med. induced sleep. For the very first time (and last time) in my entire life I hit that black hole of depression (very scary place I vow never to go there again). For several days after the first month of not being able to walk I was lost and confused I didn't know what to do. I was lashing out at anyone and everyone. One day I was all alone (usually had 3 hours a day all by myself) and for no apparent reason to me I threw the remote right through the window shattering it. I immediately picked up the phone called my Drs office and spent at least a half hour crying to the nurse. That day I went to the Drs and he gave me a prescription for antidepressents...a few weeks later I was out of that massive scarry black hole of depression. I still had another month of not being able to walk, being pushed around in a wheel chair unable to do even the simplest things by myself but there was no way on God's Green Earth I was ever going to go back into that black hole again. Yes, this scar was also about 14 inches long the same as before only a little more behind my leg.
In January 2002 I started Physical Therapy as I still was not healing properly on the right leg/hip. This is when I found out I have a degenerative muscle disease to go along with my degenerative bone disease (affecting my joints) and severe arthritis. Yeah for me! I'm so special! LOL We purchased a recumbent bike so that I can maintain my muscle mass and increase it slightly.
Oh I forgot to tell you during my post operation exam I let my Orthopaedic Surgeon(OS)know I was having the same pains and problems in my shoulders but not as severe...upon testing they could find nothing wrong. As the pains became worse in my shoulders I would inform my OS and he would test me again. In June of 2004 my OS did find the problem in my shoulders. Yes! The degenerative bone disease and the arthritis was much much worse. It was decided the shoulders would need to be replaced eventually but not at that time. He gave me 2 cortizone shots; one in each shoulder which helped alot. Holy Cow the first one sent me right up off of that table and cry, man I couldn't stop it even though I was smiling and joking. The second one I could not feel at all which concerned the OS. I mentioned my loss of control of my arms as well as the severe back and neck pain I was having. He sent me back to my PCP (Personal Care Physician-I think thats it) because he doesn't do the neck and back.
After a CTScan my Dr sent me to a Neurologist who ruled out carpal tunnel and suggested I get an MRI done on my neck and back. In the mean time my Jaw was acting up. Well all righty then lets fall apart all at once now! lol. An MRI was done on my neck and back. They found nothing. Mind you they did not find anything in my shoulders when I first noticed the increasing problem and a few years later they found it. Not that I want this stuff in my back and neck but I am not totally convinced there is nothing there neither is my Dr, Neurologist or OS. So we will keep checking it just like we did with my shoulders and see what we find.
I went to a Maxillofacial(dentist) Surgeon who did xrays and found the spacing in my jaw joint was not proper (very little spacing) another sign of the degenerative stuff but an MRI has not been done to make sure instead he wants me to go to a dentist and have all this other stuff done which my insurance does not cover and I can not afford it. So the jaw will have to wait until it is severe enough for the Surgeon to be able to handle it. Lucky me! I do have to eat toddler size bites of meat which I sometimes forget and my jaw reminds me quickly as well as softer foods. Again, lucky me!
Okay now to bring you all the way up to speed. Yesterday (February 9, 2005) I went to my OS as 2 cortizone shots; one in each shoulder; given to me 2 weeks ago did not help me; well very little. Anyways I found out I am looking at 4 surgeries on my shoulders (possibly 2 on each shoulder) instead of 2 (one on each shoulder) now. I have to do an MRI on my right shoulder March 4th. Again I was asked to pick a side and this time I chose the worst one(right side)to just get it over with. Sooo, depending upon the results of the MRI which I should get a call from my OS around March 11th(my son's birthday, he will be 14) I will either have Shoulder Decompression Surgery or Shoulder Replacement Surgery. The latter surgery is self explanetory. Shoulder Decompression Surgery is where they strategically place 3 instruments in 3 different places in your shoulder to scrape out the arthritis under the collar bone on top of the shoulder. This will give the Rotator Cup of my shoulder more room and prolong the degenerative process as well as alleviate some of the stiffness, swelling and pain. I will keep you posted on this subject as I am sure you are all curious by now.
I am in no way shape or form asking for anyones pity. I really do not like being pitied. I am simply recording events of my life. My life is as it is and I am ok with it. Again, don't get me wrong I am human and I do get bummed about this stuff sometimes.
Coming up in the Ms Shell's Soap Opera Journal: (this may or may not be the order of events)
Social Security
My Childhood
Finding My Biological Father
My Long Term Child Bearing Relationship
My Children (3 stories one for each child)
My Marriage and Divorce
I hope you enjoyed this and again please no pity!
Until Next Time this is Steelhips_x_2 (self explanetory now, huh? lol)signing off. Ms. Shell prays God will Bless you all!