Nov 15, 2005 18:24
Every other weekend the two younger kids goes to their dads...not my adult son he hangs out with his woman.
And every other weekend Saturday night on thru till Sunday whenever they get home I miss them immensely.
Just to be Amazed within the first 5 minutes how i could even miss them...usually caos and hollering begins within that time. And whos making all this rucous the two kids who just came home (you know the ones i missed so immensely) The caos isnt even about who gets to talk to me first its about piddly didly stupid shit having nothing to do with me or our home.
This is how it is every other weekend and try as i might i still cant help missing them...even though i know 5 minutes of them being home is gonna bring the thunder and lightening right into our living room.
MAYBE they are really good kids at their dads house and they just cant take it anymore by the time they get know where everything is safe, secure, they can be themselves....thats it in a nutshell....they can be themselves at home and they just cant take being such good kids for such a long time at their dads house by the time they get home they just gotta bust free. lmao.