Oct 20, 2005 15:56
Well i went to the Dr today. Ive had a sore throat off and on for 3 weeks now. I got tested for strepthroat and mononucleosis(since my monoboy wont stop drinking out of my glass...the twit)wont get the results till tomorrow or Monday. I went cuz each time i get a sore throat it gets worse makes me real tired.
Good news! Lost another 10#s. Thats cool.
I laugh at the commercial that say take our pills plus diet and exercise will guarantee you lose weight. Duh! Diet and exercise can do that all on its own plus a good multivitamin. So dont fall into those diet pills hype. And how did i lose so much weight (70#'s)over the past year or so...besides i got a divorce in March 2004....ive been on alot of liquid diets...due to being sick so much. And when im not on the liquid diet i actually eat more than once a day. I used to only eat once a day so my body stored what i ate...now i eat 2-3 small meals a day. Thats the trick folks change your eating habits. Im not one to eat alot of junk foods or sweets so if you are one like that i suggest you cut those back...you dont have to give them up just cut them back.
Trust me if i get a bag of b-b-q chips and some sour cream...i WILL eat the whole damn bag....so i just dont buy it very much...maybe once a month if that. Its all in the will power not the commercial pills and fad diets. My physical disabilities prevent me from being able to exercise like the average person so if i can lose weight w/o the exercise...you can lose weight with the exercise. Its all in the will power my friends.
Boost your will power! And good luck to those of you who want to lose the excess weight. Exercise can make the skin reshape slowly as you slowly lose weight...you all got that advantage over me....Boost Your Power!!!!! you can do it.
ok enough lecturing!
If i have mono my monoboy is in soooooo much trouble!!!lmao
If i have Strep...well ive had that too many times to count...i say take the damn tonsils and get it over with...but then again ive been saying that for years. they just wont do it cuz of my other problems...i say take the damn things and eliminate a problem.
oh yeeeeaaaaahhh! theres something wrong w/my car...like i can afford that! its the only car we have here that runs. I dunno! gonna have to shit some money somewhere to start fixing it and eliminating problems in it. Yep just great one more thing to do!
My dad is giving me some tongue and groove wood flooring and some linoleum tiles to help redo the flooring in this 30yr old dblwide. One of the agencies here is gonna give me $voucher for materials to do the floors as well. Gotta figure it all out yet...but im working on it. This is absolutely no time for me to be sick thats for sure...not like anytime is a good time.
My oldest son took me to the drs and he makes sure the kids get where they need to go when im sick....he really kicks in to overdrive doing everything i do around here plus....he knows how it is to run a house and has known for years. Speaking of my oldest son he wants to use the pc so i will end this!
God Bless All of You!