My Monoboy!

Sep 15, 2005 13:00

Howdy all;

Monday my monoboy fell at school and Wednesday he came home early because he felt sick (after using the bathroom and sleeping for an hour he seemed fine..but hey you never know.)

Being the 'paranoid' mom I am I took him to the Doctor Wednesday night...the Dr. thought his wrist may be fractured. Their xray machine was down so they put a brace on him and told me to take him to the hospital in the morning. I was to let them know i needed the results of the xray right away because if it was fractured i was to admit him into emergency for a cast. After an hour and 40 minutes they finally told me he could go because it was not fractured. (I really didn't think it was)

I was more concerned with the fact he fell and then 2 days later he came home early from being sick...mono is a mysterious and dangerous thing so i was more concerned with his vital organs.

Well the sudden sick feeling and then the sudden 'oh im fine' feeling all has to do with the mono. And mood swings...hes worse than his sister during PMS!

So where does that leave me as the loving caring mother...still not knowing when something happens with him if i should take him in to get checked or just wait to see how it goes. Very nerve racking!

All in all he is fine and the 'nerve racking' will go on for another 5 months!
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