Hiya. Been busy and been wanting to update things.......just nothing overly exciting happening (or anything I consider out of the ordinary though others may feel differently lol). However I went to my first re-enacting weekend this past weekend..........totally awesome and words dont do the experience justice. However here's at least a snippet of things that happened (actually it's a cut copy and paste of the message I sent my other unit Captain...but I am still sore and dont think I can go through typing it all fresh here lol).
"Satan" and I had a great time and the whole experience just blew me away. It seemed there was something to do every minute of the day, even if it was just walking around and seeing the sights. Drilling was interesting to say the least, lol, but I think it's all worth it as Im becoming more and more comfortable with the motions and such (even if the French part was confusing the bejeebus out of me). Both battles were intense, perhaps even a bit more than I should have attempted but would do it all over again anywyays. The sounds of the cannons and guns rolling was a real mental wake up call thats for sure. It was strange stepping over "dead" soldiers and listening to the sounds of battle after "dying" myself (well what can I say...there was an order to go over the fence and I know I wasnt going to be able to do it quickly...might as well die and not hold the others back lol).
The comraderie of Saturday night was great too. James and I went down to the tavern (where he decided to mouth off to a Brit...very funny stuff) and we hung out with the sailors as well (where once again Satan decided to mouth off to the same Brit lol). I didnt know any of the songs they were singing but just listening to them and trying to chime in with the chorus (I tend to be a bit more free spirited when I have had a couple drinks lol) was cool. I liked the being treated as one of the men aspect of everything as well.....just a bunch of soldiers relieving stress....wicked cool.
We did have a few mishaps...screw up in direction, flat tire, and James' tent poles and tables falling off the roof with him holding on while on 495 (still not sure how he didnt break his arm)....did occur but looking back on everything such things seem minimal and even part of the whole adventure. Got a bit strung out when I ran out of cigarettes too....I just couldnt get the hang of using the pipe but will have to work on it...but even that didnt bum me out too bad. All in all it was an experience to remember and cant wait to get to do it all again.
What I didnt bother to mention to Denis (only because he is a friend of mine and James' on Facebook so he would have already seen it) was the punishment dished out to a soldier. He is a drummer who had left his drum out on the ground in the kitchen area along with his sword. Here is the video that James took of it.
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