I just cannot sleep and my brain acts randomly..
Ever since Tokyo and me almost fainting in Shibuya, I feel the consequences of my low blood pressure more often. I drink so much all the time, because this heat is getting ridiculous... According to the news a lot of people have died like flies and it's supposedly the hottest summer ever in Japanese history. It doesn't help me living in Kyoto, surrounded by mountains. It's like a sauna.
After school I went with some classmates of mine to check out a newly opened store with lots of geeky anime stuff and manga of course. The store was so small but packed with so many goods and books. I wish I could read more kanji~ The floor was kind of uneven, just like the streets of Kyoto. But I started to get this about-to.faint feeling again... I KNOW I should start exercising for my own good but but but... It's so expensieve in Japan and the nearest gym is kind of way too far away... Not really but I have become so lazy recently.
Got a text from my "senpais" Japanese friend Ron saying he would be playing tonight but as I got back home I logged in on Skype, and it took about 10 minutes before I passed out of exhaustion. Of course I'm awake now and alert, the live is over and I missed him >.< Well hopefully next time.
Tomorrow I hope the hiking trip is on, I'm getting tired of people saying they'll come with and then they don't and the day changes to suit everyone better but then nothing happens anyway. I want to have my good weekend!! The last few ones have been weird in one way or another, not to mention the last one... Seeing a fight live is unreal.
I wish someonecould come over and hang out with me for a while :( I feel like talking~