Horoscopes are nothing more than charlatans' bluffing and this should remain unchanged. Bloody Hell, Walter. I tried to keep my distance but that bleeding curse ended the last shred of patience I still possessed.
How is our project faring?
While the
Warden elections seldom affect us, there is so much to be said about precaution. Two candidates in this time, neither of them seem to be strong enough, while they are better choices than the last one. As expected, a prominent circus is made by their friends. This is why real politics are kept from the ignorant hands of the masses, because in the end it becomes a distasteful popularity contest.
Of the two options,
Setsuna F. Seiei is the one who sounds more convincing. What this chaotic City needs is discipline, his military manner reminds me to our esteemed Commander Vimes. What do you think, Seras? You would be the one who is personally impacted by the Wardens.
Carrying on to personal business: D. Alucard. We have a discussion in due.