Dec 20, 2003 21:20
I was almost able to forget about this place, and everything that goes along with that. I suppose I have run long enough. As of late my dreams have returned, so much so I do believe it is keeping Tim awake. Kay-Belle turns 2years old on Jan. 9th and 2 months after that date, my dreams will finish at a climax as they did last year.
I am sorry that I have not been able to keep in touch with anyone, the exception to this of course is Casey and the only reason that I am able to keep in touch with her is b\c she worked at Teletech. Seeing as how she no longer works there I suppose I will lose touch with her as well.
If you guys leave me your number on her I will try to call you and give you guys my number, that is if anyone is interested. Merry Christmas