I haven't seen "I am Legend" but I recommended it to
silberzauber not really understanding the actual sci-fi to horror ratio. (I gather from her freaked-out voicemail it was more heavily weighted towards the latter). Last night, I watched both Talladega Nights and Borat with Ana. Benign, silly, fun movies. So why did I have crazy elaborate nightmares about zombies??!?!
Finding myself holed up with a few other refugees in a jungle outpost, where during the night zombies tried to kill us, and we had to use knives to kill them using a precise method that I don't recall, but from what memories I have, was excruciatingly gruesome. We'd been doing this for years and we had a community, and some of our own succumbed and we had to re-kill them. (and one "scene" where I was surprised by a zombie when I opened the fridge). Over time, we discovered that they were entering our land via a river and we had mapped the waterway and built an automatic zombie-killing mechanism like a killer waterwheel to automatically remove the source of the threat. So finally, after some time, it was apparent (in the way dreams imply is clear, for no other reason than it simply is so) that we had killed them all. But then, as if it were a movie, I saw a pan-in from above to the river past our camp, and the camera, zooming in through the water, showed these graphic zombie-corpses: female and pregnant ... and their fetuses were alive.
And then I awakened, freaking out, and woke Ana up and she helped me go back to sleep and I had an equally vivid better dream (Yeah, that kind) which was awesome, until my parents knocked on the front door (in the dream) and caused me to both have a flashback to the nightmare (I thought it was a zombie) and then keep them from finding out what had been happening to make the dream so awesome in the first place, which was further compromised when my other friends showed up at the front door.
I'm scared for tonight. Thank god for 8AM accounting (hahahaha) which will hopefully prevent me from dreaming altogether.
I've always been a vivid dreamer...I used to entertain my highschool classmates at lunch with my insane dreams. Vivid dreams are great and a curse. I was once raped by clowns, attacked by sesame street characters, killed by a cougar, and endured a nuclear holocaust so horrific and realistic that at age 24 I called my mom at 9:15AM on a Saturday. I've also had sex dreams about pretty much anyone I know or know of (some more scary or awesome depending on who it is). I also for a time trained myself to be a lucid dreamer, the first dream of which involved me peeing on my friend Jonathan in a hallway. That was before I'd fully harnessed my ability. And of course I told him.
Then there's my reoccurring dream: in a mine car, careening through a cave, then jumping out of the car as it falls into a lava pit, grabbing a rope and swinging across the pit, turning to my right and seeing a giant Tabasco bottle surrounded by lava. That's a heart-burn dream for sure.