With the town library closing for four whole days over the Easter break, It's time for me to stock up on recent stuff and snaffle some more to tide me over the holiday. I've just finished The Learners by Chip Kidd (
http://www.amazon.com/Learners-Novel-Chip-Kidd/dp/0743255240 ) Which is worth a mention, although the graphic design references are in-jokes and I didn't really get them, there was plenty of other charicatures, office based imagery and situations presented for me to really understand the subtlety of the storyline and the compexity of flawed human nature as portrayed. Not sure about the ending, it seems little tacked on, especially as the literary technique used in the last two pages is totally different to the remainder of the slow steady image focussed build of the book.
I've just started The Lost Diary of Don Juan by Douglas Carlton Abrams
http://www.lostdiaryofdonjuan.com/ and so far I'm loving it :) There An Ungodly Child (
http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R24P80Q5CX4KZT ) and Trickster makes this World
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Trickster-Makes-This-World-Imagination/dp/1847672256/ref=pd_sim_b_3 waiting for when I'm finished. That should be enough to seee me across four days sans library.
While I remember; there's the first of the four Doctor Who specials for the year being shown Saturday night :) *can't wait* See you again after the break :)