Jun 09, 2010 12:16
Cindy was Not Best Pleased today.
When she'd volunteered to take care of dinner tonight, she'd been envisioning stopping at one of the local restaurants, picking up a nice meal for two, and bringing it over to Henry's. Except everywhere she'd called today had some insane reason why that wouldn't be possible, from we're out of noodles at Il Pollo to we have no electricity at the Lobster Hut. The excuses were getting so outrageous that Cindy was tempted to head down to the restaurants just to see if they were real or call up Frau Totenkinder and find out if the old biddy was up to something.
It would be just like her, too.
Eventually, Cindy's choices dwindled to Mooby Land (which she wasn't even considering) or heading to the mainland to pick up something there. The problem with that plan was the dinner would be cold by the time she got to Henry's. And heating it back up in the microwave lacked a certain... je ne sais quoi. Which went double for the expedient of buying something pre-cooked from T&C's and heating it up there.
Which left only one choice.
Cindy was going to have to cook. God dammit.
Just as soon as she was done bitching about it to Bigby. "...Dammit, if she's fucking around because she thinks this is funny--Stop laughing, you ass!"
[This is a bout of Fandom weird for Cindy. Should you wish to partake of one of Fandom's fine dining establishments, they will almost certainly have noodles and electricity again.]
who: cinderella,
where: office 11,
what: fandom weird blows,
what: office hours