Aug 29, 2004 11:16
I think that is my favorite poster that I have seen thus far when watching the protests in New Work, I also like Bush+Dick = We're Screwed. That's a good one. I am all prickly now because of many reasons but watching this protests is not helping me calm down. I will empty myself of all emotions and be like buddhist monks. Yes. I am not at peace, there is not a tinny bit of emotion coursing through my indignant veins.
Daniel comes back next Friday and I am happy about that, then he leaves two weeks later, which I feel nothing about because I am suddenly empty of emotion again.
What else is new with me? I got a piercing, I got my tragus pierced and I really love it. Cross your fingers against infection folks. It was really embarrassing though because while I was at the shop I kept calling it a traGAR. It made me look like I didn't know what I was talking about. That's all right though, they still did it.
What is a tragus you might ask, well it is that little bit of skin on your hear above the lobe that connects to your head. I like the look of this better than a lobe piercing. Kerry got her upper ear pierced. Lindsay was going to but she has an MRI in a few days and has to wait until after. She is going to get the nose done.
So wooo to changes!