(no subject)

Jul 26, 2006 22:07

my entries are becoming very sporadic. it's kind of nice not having the internet. the only reason i miss it, if any, is that this is the only way i communicate with some of you anymore (sad, but true. get over it). and when i get to use it, it's on nights like tonight when my neighbor isn't home and i go into his room and sit in the dark and LJ it up.

these last few months since i got home from the gainesville/orlando trip have been a breath of fresh air from that almost year-long fog of a depression i was in. i can hardly remember anything that happened in those months. internally i was eating myself away.

but ever since that trip, i have had no more anxious, racing thoughts, and i have had no regrets. i am much happier this way, even though some things have changed and i'm not exactly sure why.

god.....listen to me...i sound like every other angsty, tormented emo fuck on this fucking internet blog. i wish i could be saying this to you, my friends, in person. everybody else can piss off.

i love you guys. please come see my new place because it is the shit.

ebeth has been coming over a lot lately and it has been cool as shit. kate and i feel like we've found the perfect third person to complete our bubble.

i've been learning a lot about alternative medicine from the ever'man's resident herbologist. she is cool as hell and likes teaching me about replacements to everyday prescription drugs. i think i've found a new hobby.

the time has come kids. the real world awaits................
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