Shak And Me

Jan 06, 2009 10:55

Shakira looks so innocent.. and she has been. Till Now.

Around a month ago the neighbors suddenly got a dog. Not a Huge pitbull but a pitbull nonetheless. He quickly figured out that my fence on that side is total crap and he could easily SLAM through and hang out with Shak.
I wasn't terribly concerned cause Shak was staying on our side of the fence and she and the pitbull were obviously having a total blast (thank god she's spayed).
But, of course, that didn't last long and Shak started to go over there. I replaced the broken fence plank.
Then another. And another. Pitbull would not be denied!
One Saturday morning, the neighbor lady showed up at the door saying my dog was in her yard scaring her children. You're the one with a destructive pitbull!
I explained to her what was going on and wondering how she could be so clueless.
She tells me that it's not really "their" dog, but a stray they'd found and that they'd been searching for the owner.
I continued to replace fence planks till I ran out.. and was kind of boggled on just what to do next.
When, suddenly, neighbor dog is no longer around. I don't know what happened... but the pitbull was definately gone.
I was totally relieved and figured the whole situation had resolved itself. They'd either found the owner or had, um, somehow.. disappeared it. ADIOS!

But.. the damage had been done. Shakira had learned Valuable Lessons from the pit. And I guess she missed her new buddy.
This past Saturday, I step out front and here comes Shak, sans collar, like a bat from hell, just running past me into the house.
And lumbering behind her is... a cop. Goddammit.
She'd apparently EATEN her way thru the fence. Just chewed the plank right up and gotten out. Plus the neighbors gate was wide open... now that THEY didn't have a dog, I guess they don't care about keeping the gate closed (and.. whatever.. its their house).
I got an ugly lecture from the policeman.
Someone down the street is saying Shak attacked their dog. I'm sure she's confused "playing" with "vicious dog attack", but the cop has to do his job.

I bought more planks. Replaced "eaten" plank. Replaced the following "eaten" plank. Shak now knows she can get out and I'm wondering if there's a goddamn thing I can do about it.
The Animal Control dept came by.. threatening me some more and giving me literature on city ordinances on "vicious dogs" and I'm told ANOTHER Vicious Dog Policeman will visit me soon.

Shak is confined to the house. I can't leave her outside for any period of time or she will get out. It's a HUGE pain.
I got an estimate on fixing the fence. I expected it to be expensive but GAH.. $1600. For one side!
And will she just eat that anyway? Or dig under it? She's a great digger. Sigh.
I've been looking into the Invisible Fence thingees, but that sounds a bit iffy & perhaps a little cruel (tho much cheaper).

The whole mess is very upsetting and depressing and I'm feeling like the world's crappiest dog owner.

angst, house, shakira

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