"Whose side are you on?"

Nov 19, 2006 20:37

Well, November has been intense.
My Grandpa in England started to give up at the begining of the month so my mom took a last minute flight to see him one last time. She got to see my Aunt and some friends over there and she also got to spend time with him when he wasn't drugged up. He told me to keep strummin.

While my mom was in England my sister Carolyn had her first baby. Jared Steven Rhodes. He was 3 weeks early so there isn't one ounce of fat on him. He's adorable though. The scary thing is my sisters blood pressure was so screwed up that we almost lost her. It never crossed my mind that I might have lost a sister but it definately has made me think different now.

So when my mom came home from England she dropped off the Cadbury and the Football(Soccer) papers I asked for and took off to Ellensburg. Then just the other day we got the phone call that my Grandpa, Edward Morgan had passed away in his sleep. To much, just one thing after the other.

At one point I was just to overwhelmed. I wasn't crying or screaming, it's just my mind was a blur and I couldn't focus.

I've never experienced this kinda.....I dunno what to call it but whatever just happened with my family was a first. It was just..... ...scary times.

I'm fine now. Time has passed and I've moved on. There are things I have and see that remind me of hapiness and things to look forward to. Look at my feet.
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