Day: Fourteen
Characters: Orochimaru
dr_snakey_pants and Jack Kelly
cowboy_newsieSummary: A little conversation early in the morning between colleagues.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: 14// Early Day
I guess it wasn't meant to be,
It didn't matter what they said,
'Cause we were good in bed,
I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight
for all the wrong reasons.'>
Sitting behind his desk, Orochimaru crossed one leg over the other, reclining slightly as he leafed through another one of the patient files on his desk.
More new patients were arriving again, today. How... interesting. He loved being one of the first ones to welcome new patients to Edelweiss. To hear the fear in their voices when they woke up in an entirely new place. A place that was cold and dark and even though they were usually set to room with a stranger, they were all alone.
Yes. This was St. Edelweiss. The place he had come to know as home now. Well, as much of a home as any place would ever be for a person like him. There were limitless possibilities here. Heaps and heaps of patients just waiting to be experimented on.
New staff to be taught, manipulated and used. Just the way he liked to conduct business. He looked forward to the occasional bursts of new patients as the arrived for him in this place. Loved having the chance to take the first look over them, choose out which he liked and what purpose each of them could have for him.
The way he had done with young Jack Kelly. The first time he'd heard the boy's voice, listened to him defend without really any mind to the consequences that girl of his...
The first time he'd seen that face, set firmly and furiously, with more intent and... whatever those emotions -courage, determination, heroism- he wore like a mask...
Orochimaru had become intently interested in him. In using him, wearing him, fucking him... taking control of him in every way he could. Watching the way he broke and rebuilt himself. Listening to the way he sang in pleasure, his body arguing with every ounce of strength inside of him.
He loved it. If he were completely honest with himself, he'd have noticed that as the days went on here, he had grown almost... fond of Jack. Something he wasn't accustomed to, but that he wasn't about to come to terms with any time soon. Jack was simply too interesting to just... lose.
For now... he'd simply resign himself to doing whatever was necessary for keeping the boy at arms length. He still had need of him.