Day: 13
Characters Spike, OPEN
Summary: Art therapy. He's supervising it or guarding the room or whatever he feels like doing. Go color that shit before he eats you.
When: First therapy block
Where: Studio
Status: Open; incomplete
Most days Spike got to prowl around the asylum, lurking in the shadows and generally intimidating patients for fun. Today was not one of those days. No, today was one of the days he got stuck in the studio in case someone got a little too happy with the scissors. Not exactly how he had planned on spending the morning, particularly since he wasn't even allowed to eat anyone. Waste of his time as far as he was concerned.
He was currently balanced on the back of a chair near the front of the room, feet resting on the seat and coloring what looked suspiciously like a stick figure vampire attacking a stick figure Slayer. He'd pretty much gone through the supply of red drawing the blood because hey, a guy could dream. Anyways, it was not as though anything interesting was happening with the patients.
Not yet, anyways.