
Dec 30, 2010 01:19

Day: 12
Characters: Face Loran, OPEN
Summary: You know how Face gets when he's bored.
When: Recreation block
Where: Billiards room
Status: open; incomplete

Not gonna lie; I kind of forgot we had a billiards room. )

jack harkness, garik "face" loran, #place: rec. rooms: billiard room

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forever_jack December 31 2010, 14:43:11 UTC
Jack sauntered wearily into the games room and leaned a shoulder against the door jamb, hands deep in his trouser pockets, watching Face’s - interesting - interpretation of the game of pool.

“Well, either pool’s changed a lot by your time,” he drawled, “or you’re actually playing something completely different.”


posterboywraith December 31 2010, 15:59:01 UTC
Face glanced up from where he was using his hands to casually toss the balls into the holes. He had decided to go with the numbers on the balls as points even though they all seemed to be about the same size and weight. Well it was better than his original idea of throwing them at staff members' heads. He suspected he would get in trouble for that.

Putting voice with body language the scarred pilot verified that it was Jack - always nice to meet someone in person - then pulled an overly confused and skeptical expression. "In what way does any of this represent a pool? Am I supposed to incorporate water? Because that just seems like too much work."


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posterboywraith January 4 2011, 02:49:59 UTC
Face grinned, giving up on his game of toss and scooping up three pool balls which he began juggling. He liked Nunnally, and he knew exactly why; stuck in that chair she reminded him a lot of Phanan trapped behind prosthetics in an increasingly mechanical body and a depression that Face hadn't noticed until it was too late to convince him to bother staying alive. He was smart enough to psychologically analyze himself here, thank you very much, so he knew he was going out of his way to be nice to the girl because he missed the best friend he had lost less than a month ago. But that was enough introspection for the day so he just kept the smile up without a flicker and kept the witty banter coming.

"I've made up my own set of clearly superior rules, thank you very much. In the end the victor gets to beat the losers with these convenient sticks. And then everyone buys him a round of drinks." He explained proudly.


forever_jack January 4 2011, 15:01:13 UTC
Jack had worked out who Face was a while ago, just by quietly people-watching at mealtimes and other group functions. He chuckled as Face started juggling the pool balls, though kept a close eye on the balls just in case he dropped one and it went near Nunnally, who wouldn't be able to duck.

"In that case, I'm definitely not playing pool with you," he declared, scooping up a stick to demonstrate how the game should be played - and a hundred and fifty years' worth of experience paid off as he swiftly potted the remaining five balls and the black. He stood up, smirking. "Well, except I win."


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posterboywraith January 5 2011, 02:55:19 UTC
Oh, Face read that watchful look on Jack's face just fine and retaliated maturely by sticking out his tongue and throwing a few added flourished into his juggling. He also caught the excitement on Nunnally's face, and grinned even knowing she could not see the expression. "I'm doing a very bad job of it. Jack has had to dodge several stray projectiles. Also I've lit them on fire. And some of them are knives. Or small animals. Its quite a spectacle. In a minute I'm going to start jumping through hoops ( ... )


forever_jack January 7 2011, 14:50:27 UTC
“Ah, but I was playing by the rules,” Jack chuckled, and added, eyebrows raised archly at Face, “Despite having to dodge stray projectiles!” He completely approved of Face’s determination to include Nunnally; he was continually amazed by how well the girl was coping here, and was equally resolved to do anything he could to make things better for her.

Gathering up the balls into the triangle, he set them out for a new game, declaring, with a twinkle in his eye, “Well, I can’t let a challenge like that go unmet. Bring it on, you two!” And he set about chalking his cue with deliberate (and rather overdone) care.

((OOC: So sorry, guys. I forgot to track this thread!))


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posterboywraith January 8 2011, 06:19:43 UTC
Face watched Jack and the chalk with an expression that was equal parts you have got to be kidding me that this is what we're supposed to do with those and deliberately reading too much into the gesture. "And here I thought you were done flirting with me. You are clearly making this game up as you go along, because it's just silly." And for the record, he still liked his beating the losers theory.

He heaved an overly dramatic sigh, since Nunnally could not see the tragically disappointed gaze he threw her way. "You don't know the rules either? We better have one hell of a case of beginner's luck or I'm blaming you." Turning his attention back to the silly set up and triangle thing he said, "In a wild guess I'm going to say we're supposed to hit these into the holes. I'm even going to go one step further and assume we each pick a pattern to hit." Yes, one of the New Republic's top minds, hard at work.


forever_jack January 11 2011, 11:30:27 UTC
"I am never done flirting," Jack smirked, offering Face the chalk in his turn with an extremely suggestive look. "And yep, you've got it. First player breaks off by placing the white ball in the D there and hitting it at the pack of balls. You don't have to choose a pattern till you pot a ball though. You want to start? As a bit of a favour to the novices?"


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posterboywraith January 14 2011, 02:46:34 UTC
"Stop making up words, Captain." Face instructed blandly, eyeing the balls and lining up his stick - was there a technical term for it? He was going to stick with stick. Heh, 'stick with stick'. Witty as always - "Although while we're on the captain subject you aren't actually one, are you? No formal military training and you don't own a ship." He did the perfectly rehearsed charming smile, like he was anticipating the confusion he usually got. "I'm good with reading walks."

Choosing an angle he tugged Nunnally over, placing her hands on the stick or whatever it was called while keeping it aimed towards the white ball. "Fire away!" He instructed gleefully.


forever_jack January 18 2011, 21:00:43 UTC
"Face here was just misconstruing the way I chalked my cue," Jack drawled, with a smirk at Face that showed that Face had not in fact misconstrued anything. "And I like it when everyone has fun too - especially in a place like this."

One eyebrow slipped upwards at Face's assumptions about his rank. "Oh, I'm a captain, all right. Not quite the kind of captain I claim to be back home, but I've earned the title. Not strictly military training either, but enough that I can usually masquarade satisfactorily." And he'd have to watch out for Face because the man was altogether too observant. A useful man to have on his side, though, especially with the odds they were all facing here.


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posterboywraith January 20 2011, 02:53:53 UTC
The stick was called a cue? Well that was disappointing. Face put it down as another loss to a lack of creativity and did his best to move on with his life. "Just making pleasant small talk." He explained, because yes, the question had been a bit random, but frankly that was an important element of all his conversations. "I"m not a spy or anything. Actually I am, but not here. Well, I suppose by being here I technically bring my profession with me. But that's not the point. The point was I do walks the best and of the two of you," He nodded good naturally at both of them, "You were the only actual option for that hobby." Before Nunnally could even have a moment to take that as some sort of insult he continued with whatever direction it was this story was going now. "I had a mostly mechanical friend; let me tell you, that was annoying to deal with. Very tricky." Didn't see the death-wish coming at all ( ... )


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