(no subject)

Nov 28, 2010 01:11

Day: 7
Characters: kingofdecisions & stedelweiss
Summary: In which the combination of unlocked cells and a new and restless patient results in some general investigation of the nearby area. Unclothed.
When: NIGHT, after 10pm.
Where: Level 1 cells/hallway
Status: OPEN; incomplete

True to the word of the man who claimed to be Cao Pi -- for now, Guo Jia was willing to humour him -- the door of his cell was unlocked. How the occurence served the needs of their captors was not immediately apparent, but staying within his cell would gain him nothing, whereas the opportunity to roam would at least provide some sort of new information. He already had one engagement to see to. Not to mention that actually doing something would help to shake the restlessness and irritation that plagued him. He couldn't simply sit there; not after being torn so abruptly from Yangwu, halfway through a difficult campaign that he had waited years for, and having just invited Sima Yi to take part.

The general state -- or rather, lack -- of dress was no issue to him. He wrote it off as psychological warfare, an act designed to break confidence and spirit. Ignoring it was not especially hard when one knew how to block out that sort of distracting emotion, especially under the partial concealment of darkness.

He slipped out into the corridor, intent.

((OOC; Feel free to assume he's poking into your cell, or any random hallway collision. The only set encounter is in cell 001.))

#place: patient block: hallway, #place: patient block: cells, nunnally vi britannia, cao pi, guo jia

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