Day: 001
Characters: Anyone brave enough to venture to Cell 126
Summary: Someone would like to have a word with you.
When: Night, after lock-up
Where: Cell 126 and surroundings, Level 2 ward.
Status: Open/Incomplete
[The hallways, compared to the crackle of the intercom, are deafeningly quiet, and, should you leave your own cell to venture towards the voice in 126, the only sound close and undistorted enough to be made out is the fall of your own feet on the floor below.
There is more to see: Were the walls of the building so scratched and scarred in the daylight, or have the shadows rent deeper into the stone? The air is murkier and heavier around each corner, as if injected with gray fog. Is it dust or smoke? There's no answer, though it hides the end of each corridor and the beginning of each turn. From the top of the stairs to the bottom of Level 2, the ground cannot be seen through the concrete mist.
Those who do not turn back and travel all the way to the cell will find an unremarkable door like all of this ward's others. Its neighbors on every side are silent and dead, and this one is no different.
Except for the breathy, coughing cackle of laughter escaping through the frame.
It's unlocked.]
(OOC: An organizational note - tag into this (prose) log as you please. Characters can wait in the hall for others or go in on their own. If you are going to tag in, however, please track and keep up with this log.)