I can see clearly now, the rain is gone

Jun 22, 2009 23:13

Day: 43 (slight backdated)
Characters: Tsunade [slugsannin], Sasuke Uchiha [revengeisbitter]
Summary: Guilt ridden by the damn wolf, and… other things, Doc Bitchtits has decided to steal Oh Great Eyeless One away to reinstall someone’s EYES. Oh hey, they get to talk now too.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Night / Very late
Status: Closed / Incomplete - Note: I’m going to hell for the Song choice, but it felt so fitting… Sorry, Sasuke Heeee

It hadn’t taken much at all really, then again it never did. The small packet of sleeping powder she kept on her person, all the time, was there and ready for her use. And use it she did. How else would she get the eyes off the damn man.

Since the nagging guilt trip from Hige, and a lesser extent of the defeatist words of Sasuke, something sank in finally, picking at her from inside. For a moment she wanted to seek out Jiraiya, to sit or talk or just… well, she didn’t know. To lend her strength with out knowing it perhaps. To… something. Anything. But seeing Orochimaru that evening seemed to be the last straw.

It was simple, because she was a ninja. He’d been out no longer then a minute before she swooped in on him, his tea having been drugged, much like she had done with Jiraiya’s sake so long ago. The dosage might not have been as strong this time, as she didn’t need as much time, nor did she want to waste what she had, but none the less, it worked and he’d be out for the rest of what was left of night.

Having the eyes clutched careful in their protective holder, she took off, her mind hyper focused. She was going to catch hell for this, such hell, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter right now. Sasuke Uchiha was part of her village, and the Hokage did what she had to for all her villagers. The boy… had changed, and she was sure it was for the better anyhow. He was part of her Village and thus part of her charge, even if he didn’t accept that. He and Naruto were all that were left officially, the rest of them were… well, she wasn’t worried about that right now.

Reaching the cell in which she knew Sasuke shared with Reeve, she paused, standing outside of it, late at night that night. Shit, what was she doing. Staring down at the container once again, she sighed, ran a hand through her hair, and tucked it away. This was the right thing to do, and should have been done days ago.

Having entered she held a finger to anyone else there, touched Sasuke and simple whispered “Come with me. Quietly.” She made sure Hige, if he were there, stayed put, to wait, and escorted the Uchiha in silence down the hall to a therapy room. She didn’t want anyone to speak, just till they got there.

The moment they were in a room, she closed the door, locked it, reached or the intercom to make sure it was turned off, and then guided the boy to a chair. “Sit. Don’t give me any trouble and we can make this fast.”

† tsunade, #place: therapy rooms, † sasuke uchiha

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