Day: 38
dr_youknowwhoSummary: Tongueless Wonder and Ye Banged One
rush off to try to save Quatwizzler from therapy with Dr. You-Know-Poo.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: In the evening.
Status: Closed & inc.
my sins I'll claim )
Trowa went straight to the window at first, to try his luck with the bars that locked them in. He didn't hold much faith that they would come off, but everything in the asylum appeared old and under-maintenenced, and so he had to try everything. Everything was bolted down, and Trowa didn't have a single item that could help Duo. Even the pitcher and cup for water was ineffective. If they had more time, Trowa could work at the pipes for the toilet, try to get it to come loose, but--
Trowa moved back towards the bed and removed the bedclothes. He very much doubted that there was anyone who hadn't heard, understood what their plan was, but Trowa had no desire to inform any more of the staff than necessary. He bundled up all the covers and wrapped them around the intercom speaker. That would at least muffle the sounds, for now.
He turned back to look at his comrades. "Quatre is right. Running isn't an option here. We would be intercepted at every turn." Trowa didn't want to fight this battle; they were out matched, and every strategic bone in his body was at a loss to make an effective plan.
For a minute, he wished there were some way to martyr himself, as if throwing himself into the line of fire would stop Voldemort. He knew already that it wouldn't, but he could at least hope to exhaust the doctor before any real harm came to the blond pilot.
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