And if there's one of these on the order for laws

May 08, 2009 07:18

Day: 37
Characters:  Yuffie Kisaragi
wutaian_rose and Gary Smithrelaxfriend 
Summary:  A little chat.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: evening.
Status: Closed// incomplete

On a scale of one to ten, meeting with Gary like this was probably something close to an eight on the stupid ideas meter, if only because meeting with staff was never really a good idea...Jack didn't count. She hopped down the stairs, contemplating exactly how silly all the fuss was. Really she could take care of herself. And thinking she couldn't like this was only making more stress for e-...

So. Maybe they had a point.

But it wasn't like she had to admit it to herself, was it?

Either way, the fact that he was talking about some kind of present, whatever the hell that meant, had her confused and interested. It probably wasn't something she actually wanted, and might even be something like him trying to drug her, in that case, that would be the time to run and start bitching over the com about the fact that he was overstepping security or ....she'd have to come up with something better then that...Hm. She'd just have to get creative.

As it was, the fact that he'd make her friends lives probably more difficult if she didn't was reason enough to go on it's own. Gary had shown that he could make quite the nuisance of himself if he had a mind to. And she really didn't want to give him reason to get worse then normal.

Finally coming up on the rec room, she looked around then leaned up against the wall, tense and ready to run or fight if needed but still at least attempting to look calm as if there was absolutely nothing suspicious about the situation.

#place: rec. rooms, † yuffie kisaragi, † gary smith

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