Day: Slightly backdated. Day 33/34?
Characters: Orochimaru
drbadtouch and Huey
immortalstudiesSummary: Some unofficial ~therapy~ of sorts.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Erm. Night.
Status: Closed// INCOMPLETE
I can promise you,
You'll stay as beautiful,
With dark hair,
And soft skin...forever. )
There was something in all that self-glorifying grandiosity and the instability and danger Orochimaru emitted, in his mad eyes, that was so fascinating and attractive exactly because of how blatant it was. The smile in Huey's eyes was cold, almost anticipating.
"What would that be?" he asked simply, not moving from the spot he stood on, even ignoring when Orochimaru gestured him closer. There was no need to move; no resistance, but no acknowledgement of the command either. He spoke politely, but with no trace of fear. Nothing in Orochimaru's bearing or words seemed to affect him - instead, he answered Orochimaru's look with the passive, intrigued calm of a researcher faced with just what Orochimaru was in his eyes - an interesting, a particularly interesting specimen.
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