Day: 32
Characters: Jinx
badluckykitty and Rin
cutest_avenger Summary: Scheming, companionship, girl talk... and they might be getting along? Who'd have thought. Well, we'll see. ♥
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Night, after the cell doors open
Status: Open to Watanuki | Incomplete
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Watching the other girl's movements, Jinx paced the room, her footsteps an eerie silence. She took care of her roommate, looking severely injured and seriously lacking luck in his life. In a first meeting, she either had the arrogance or stupidity to turn her attention away. In a hostile environment, that was not the wisest of ideas. Looking over her potential ally once more, she took into account how long the creature had been here, and how she was still very much in one piece. That was something very big to consider.
Finally, she took a seat in the chair, crossing one leg over the other. To Rin's smile, she returned one awkwardly, it turning out more sarcastic looking than anything else. So quickly she came to a straight face, reminding herself not to force that expression again.
She had questions, many of them, most of which not at all straight forward. A majority of them would be answered without her asking at all. Rin just needed to be pushed in the right directions, and one of the questions was about how well she could be pushed, if at all. So Jinx started off with something easy, trying not to be controversial.
"What happened to the kid?" she pointed a finger toward Watanuki. "And why are you bothering taking care of him? Especially when you were just implying you may take apart the bed."
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