Day: 31
Characters: Duo Maxwell [
duoduoduoduo ], Trowa Barton [
heavy_bangs ], Heero Yuy [
notyoureveryday ]
Summary: GW boys in the shower. But talking, not being sexy. Okay, when they talk, it's always sexy
DAY/NIGHT & Time: NIGHT/Super late
Status: Closed/Incomplete
Weep Not For Memories )
"We're both here, Duo," Trowa said. He kept his voice low; raising his voice to match Duo's would only hurt Trowa's face. "If you move in closer, we don't have to yell."
Aside from a general briefing, Trowa wasn't quite sure what he wanted out of either of the other Gundam pilots. All three of them, from different times...Duo, at least, would have to accept that the time issues weren't Trowa losing his mind. Heero would be a more difficult mountain to climb.
Heero had been put to ease by the scar, Trowa realized. It was an identifying mark, now, so that Heero knew who Trowa was. There was little doubt in Trowa's mind that Heero was the only one that would react like that.
Heero, reacting differently from everyone else was a comfort. At least something was correct in here.
"I'm always early," Trowa answered. "At least when I can afford to be."
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