[Hey, he can roll with this.] Biology is heavily involved. Human DNA is formatted to encourage humans to reproduce and maintain social groups. The human body is designed so that the act should be mutually pleasurable in order to encourage this.
There's no longer a technical need for it if the technology is sufficiently advanced. It's primary use, if utilized properly, is to strengthen interpersonal relationships.
Nietzscheans were originally genetically designed, but turned to sexual reproduction as their preferred means because of the biological encouragement it gives the father and mother in the child-rearing process.
[Finally notices Trip there.] Should I respond with a filter?
[They world may guess the myriad of potential answers to that one.] Willing, non-traumatic sexual intercourse between two healthy individuals provides a superior environment for forming offspring. A mother that is cared for and is confident in the act is more likely to carry a healthy child to term.
The act itself creates mental attachments between the parents, and gives them a sense of unity in raising their offspring.
[This one makes him a bit more iffy, as his people rarely address it and some are starting to outright frown on it.] Necessary, no. One should not tell you that sexual activity is necessary when it otherwise is not. Beneficial to the willing and responsive, yes.
I had a friend who described the way that he felt with his fiancee like "magic". It was because he was intensely attracted to her, finding characteristics that he would like to remain close to. The act of breeding was only pleasurable because of that attraction. The more intense the attraction the more pleasurable the act.
Emotions are a hormonal response telling your mind that your body approves or disapproves of your actions. If they are available to you, they should be assessed, but they should in no way implicitly rule your actions.
[There would be much facepalm if he knew. But he forges on ahead because it's better to know these things than not know them.] Unclear. Sometimes they have traits contradictory to yours, to keep genetic diversity within the group. Sometimes similar traits if they've proven good for survival. It's also often remarked that offspring will choose mates that resemble their parents in some fashion, presumably not because they're attracted to their parents but rather that they raised them to adulthood successfully and therefore are examples of preferred genes.
I still don't understand why it is preferable to other technological efforts. In Libria, men and women are picked and paired together according to genetic compatibility for the best children. Then when their- marriage has proven stable enough, the system use their genetic material to give them children.
And we, as Nietzscheans, have had all disease rendering genes removed from our DNA, as well as the addition of increased abilities. But good DNA is only a contributor to the successful rearing of a child.
Often attraction also comes from mental compatibility. Someone you would not superficially be attracted to can also become appealing after prolonged exposure. Sexual intercourse leads to the introduction of hormones into the system that encourage loyalty and protection between the pair. Protection that is then transferred to offspring, as well as imparting knowledge.
Essentially, the reactions it generates between the breeding pair produce a better and more involved environment for a child that is reared. They tend to become healthier, more creative and more analytical than if they simply receive raw input. They're physically healthier and the mortality rate of children is considerably lower. The offspring may be genetically engineered, but that's no reason for their parents to not have the same amount of involvement.
There was no drug. Such a drug would have countered Prozium entirely. [ He pauses. ] So sexual intercourse is a... necessity in order to have better, healthier children?
Is your primary interest in biology or societal expectations?
... There's biology involved?
What I don't understand is- [ blinks ] why is there a need for it when it comes to reproduction?
Nietzscheans were originally genetically designed, but turned to sexual reproduction as their preferred means because of the biological encouragement it gives the father and mother in the child-rearing process.
[Finally notices Trip there.] Should I respond with a filter?
Yes, please.
[ ... And then it's like- ]
Why did your people choose it as a preferred means?
The act itself creates mental attachments between the parents, and gives them a sense of unity in raising their offspring.
[This one makes him a bit more iffy, as his people rarely address it and some are starting to outright frown on it.] Necessary, no. One should not tell you that sexual activity is necessary when it otherwise is not. Beneficial to the willing and responsive, yes.
What of the emotions involved?
I had a friend who described the way that he felt with his fiancee like "magic". It was because he was intensely attracted to her, finding characteristics that he would like to remain close to. The act of breeding was only pleasurable because of that attraction. The more intense the attraction the more pleasurable the act.
Emotions are a hormonal response telling your mind that your body approves or disapproves of your actions. If they are available to you, they should be assessed, but they should in no way implicitly rule your actions.
By what principles are these... 'attractions' ruled by?
I still don't understand why it is preferable to other technological efforts. In Libria, men and women are picked and paired together according to genetic compatibility for the best children. Then when their- marriage has proven stable enough, the system use their genetic material to give them children.
Often attraction also comes from mental compatibility. Someone you would not superficially be attracted to can also become appealing after prolonged exposure. Sexual intercourse leads to the introduction of hormones into the system that encourage loyalty and protection between the pair. Protection that is then transferred to offspring, as well as imparting knowledge.
Essentially, the reactions it generates between the breeding pair produce a better and more involved environment for a child that is reared. They tend to become healthier, more creative and more analytical than if they simply receive raw input. They're physically healthier and the mortality rate of children is considerably lower. The offspring may be genetically engineered, but that's no reason for their parents to not have the same amount of involvement.
[He' ( ... )
[ Blinks. Headtilts. ]
I don't see anything wrong with Robbie and Liza.
Are Robbie and Liza your genetically engineered children? [He needs to check. They might be just a couple he knows.]
Is sexual intercourse then necessary for the instincts to exist?
Yes. [ :3 ]
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