Oct 17, 2009 21:52
I took a quick peek around with Blackle and I didn't see one for this fandom. I know it's small, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun :D
Therefore, a Karneval kink meme! (this was reposted to allow for anon settings)
~Follow the basics as specified in the community profile!
~No flaming
~Request posts must include a kink, though it doesn't have to be remotely related to sex. For example, you could request a ridiculously cute friendship fic between the sheep. If you have no idea what kink to put, you can look some up or try browsing around other fandom's kink memes.
~Try not to second requests too much. This happened a lot at the multi-part Reborn kink memes and it is frustrating to people who might be tracking certain requests, only to find that the response was only a "second!" and not a fulfillment D:
~If at all possible, help to fill out the kinks. It's sad to see a lot of good prompts go unfulfilled.
Have fun!